23 年工业防爆制造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com




产品的每个组件都会影响其使用寿命, so it’s crucial that all parts of a light fixture are of high quality to prevent various issues. 很多经常接触灯具的客户可能都遇到过这种情况: LED防爆灯不亮. What could be causing this? Let’s explore together today!

the light went out

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD):

The LED chip can suffer damage due to electrostatic discharge, rendering the PN junction ineffective and increasing leakage current, essentially turning it into a resistor. Preventing ESD damage to electronic components is a critical task in the electronics industry. Any issue at any stage can harm the LED防爆灯, leading to degraded performance.

Silver Wire Disconnection:

The internal silver wire connection in an LED light can break, causing a lack of electrical flow and resulting in a dead light phenomenon. This issue can also affect other LEDsnormal operation, especially since LEDs work at low voltages (1.8V—2.2V for red, 黄色的, orange LEDs; 2.8—3.2V for blue, 绿色的, white LEDs) and are usually connected in series or parallel to accommodate different working voltages. If one LED in a series circuit has an open internal connection, the entire series will not light up, making this a more severe issue than others.

Leakage Current:

Excessive leakage current can cause the PN junction to fail, preventing the LED light from illuminating. 一般来说, this issue doesn’t affect the operation of other LEDs.

Cold Solder Joint:

A cold solder joint occurs when the LED bead, or the chip, is not securely soldered. To diagnose this, heat the LED leads to 200-300°C using a lighter, then remove the heat source and connect a 3V button battery to the LED in the correct polarity. If the LED lights up but dims as the leads cool down, this indicates a cold solder joint. Heating allows the metal to expand and make contact with the internal solder point, enabling the LED to light up. As the 温度 decreases and the metal contracts, the connection breaks, and the LED turns off. This method is consistently effective in identifying cold solder joints.



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