24 年工業防爆製造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com




在加壓電氣設備的情況下, 持續監控加壓保護系統是維持設備防爆安全功能的重要一步. 這方面構成了加壓電氣設備的關鍵特性.

加壓保護系統內的自動安全裝置, tasked with monitoring and managing the system’s operational status, must not become an ignition source for combustible gases. It should either meet specific explosion-proof standards or be located in areas free from 霹靂 危險. Designers must prioritize this factor in their planning.

When integrating explosion-proof automatic safety devices, designers should follow these guidelines:

1. 為了 “鉛” class pressurized electrical equipment, the automatic safety device’s explosion-proof classification can utilize various types conforming to Ga “嘛” or Gb “嘛” protection levels.

2. 為了 “個人電腦” class pressurized electrical equipment, different explosion-proof classifications can be used for automatic safety devices, each corresponding to varying levels of explosion-proof protection.

而且, it’s crucial to recognize that various automatic safety devices are indispensable components of the pressurization protection system. They must consistently provide reliable

service” 前, 期間, and after the system operates. 因此, the power source for these safety devices should not coincide with the main circuit. 理想情況下, it should be placed before the main circuit’s 防爆開關 or power switch to ensure uninterrupted service, even in the event of a main circuit power outage.



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