24 年工業防爆製造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com





防爆燈專為存在可燃氣體和灰塵的危險場所而設計. 它們可以防止潛在的內部電弧, 火花, 以及點燃周圍可燃氣體和灰塵而產生的高溫, 從而滿足防爆要求.


隔爆型原理, 符合歐洲標準EN13463-1:2002 “Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres – 部分 1: Basic methods and requirements,” is a type of explosion-proof design that allows internal explosions while preventing the spread of flames. This is one of the most commonly used explosion-proof methods. Due to the metal material generally used in the construction of these lights, they offer good heat dissipation, high shell strength, 和耐用性, making them popular among users. Many components of 提高安全性 防爆燈, such as lamp holders and interlock switches, also adopt a flameproof structure. Electrical equipment with a flameproof enclosure is known as flameproof electrical equipment. If an 霹靂 gas mixture enters the flameproof enclosure and ignites, the flameproof enclosure can withstand the explosion pressure of the internal explosive gas mixture and prevent the explosion from spreading to the explosive mixture around the enclosure.

This is based on the principle of gap explosion-proofing, where the metallic gap prevents the spread of explosion flames and cools the 溫度 of the explosion products, extinguishing the flames and suppressing the expansion of the explosion. This design principle is widely used in various industrial sites that produce combustible materials, such as approximately two-thirds of coal mines and 超過 80% of chemical industry production workshops where explosive materials are present. The extensive use of electrical instruments, sparks from friction, mechanical wear, 靜電, and high temperatures are unavoidable, 尤其是當儀器和電氣系統故障時. With omnipresent in the air, many industrial sites meet the conditions for an explosion. When the concentration of explosive substances mixes with oxygen within the explosive limit, an explosion can occur if there is a source of ignition. 所以, adopting explosion-proof measures is crucial.

With the strict enforcement of safety regulations by the government, I believe that doing business ethically and not compromising the safety of clients or their enterprises for short-term gains is vital. If someone is purchasing explosion-proof lights, it signifies the presence of hazards in their facilities and their trust in you as a supplier. I urge all suppliers to read this article and understand the importance of not risking the trust of users for immediate profits. The popularity of our LED explosion-proof lights among users is not due to low prices but because of their effective performance and stable quality.



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