24 年工業防爆製造商

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com




1. 確保防爆電氣設備及其附近的清潔, 沒有任何阻礙雜物.

2. Confirm the sturdy fixation of 防爆電氣設備, 檢查外殼是否完好, 緊螺絲, 且無腐蝕.

3. 驗證電氣輸入設備的穩定性, 密封件的完整性 (including multiple wiring entries), and secure connections.

4. Inspect the integrity of the 接地 wire for the explosion-proof equipment, checking for corrosion, detachment, and undamaged steel wire on armored cables.

5. Assess the reliability of interlocking mechanisms on the explosion-proof electrical equipment.

6. Ensure temporary lines and devices at the site adhere to explosion-proof standards.

7. Validate the normal functioning of explosion-proof electrical equipment, with operational parameters like current, voltage, 壓力, 和 溫度 within permissible ranges.

8. Check that junction boxes, input devices, isolation seal boxes, and flexible conduits meet explosion-proof standards.

9. Inspect for significant corrosion on the casing of motors, electrical components, 儀器, and equipment bodies, ensuring the soundness of anti-loosening and screw-lock interlocking devices.

10. For oil-filled explosion-proof devices, ensure oil levels are above the indicator line, check for clear oil indicators, discharge facilities, and no leakage or seepage.

11. Confirm that the air source and pressure for pressurized explosion-proof devices comply with requirements, and the pressure alarm system is functional.

12. Examine cables or steel conduits for any looseness, detachment, damage, or corrosion. Ensure reliable grounding connections, rust-free grounding devices, and acceptable grounding resistance.



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