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Ukuhlanganiswa Kwezisetshenziswa Zokuphepha Ezangeziwe

Ngesikhathi sokuhlangana kwemishini yokuphepha eyengeziwe, opharetha bayelulekwa ukuthi bagxile kulezi zici ezilandelayo ezibalulekile:

kwanda ukuphepha kwemishini kagesi
1. It’s essential to adjust the electrical clearances and creepage distances of active components to align with design specifications.

2. The protective standards for ukwanda kokuphepha enclosures must be maintained, with a minimum rating of either IP54 or IP44.

3. In the case of increased safety motors, the minimal radial unilateral clearance post-installation should meet the established criteria.

4. Regarding increased safety lighting fixtures, the distance between the light bulb and its transparent cover needs to be verified for compliance after installation.

5. For increased safety resistance heaters, it’s imperative that the temperature-sensitive elements are capable of detecting the heater’s maximum izinga lokushisa post-assembly.



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