24 Umkhiqizi Wokuqhuma Kwezimboni Wonyaka

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com

Ingabe Izibani Zobufakazi Bokuqhuma Zidinga Ama-Lightshades

Ngithumele ikhasimende ikheshi yesibani esingaqhumi, i-aluminium baseplate, kanye nokunikezwa kwamandla, kodwa ekutholeni, they mentioned I hadn’t included a wire mesh guard. I reminded them that they hadn’t requested it at the time of purchase. Noma kunjalo, ngemva kwengxoxo ethile, Ngabathumelela i-wire mesh guard. Eqinisweni, 80% of explosion-proof lights on the market do not come with this type of guard.

Many customers believe that an ukukhanya okungaqhumi must have a mesh guard and that without one, it cannot be explosion-proof. Nokho, this belief is incorrect. The explosion-proof nature of a light is not determined by the presence of wire mesh but by its material and structure.



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