24 Umkhiqizi Wokuqhuma Kwezimboni Wonyaka

+86-15957194752 aurorachen@shenhai-ex.com


Imininingwane Yezobuchwepheshe

Uyini Umehluko Phakathi Kwezimoto Zokuqhuma Kwegesi kanye Nezimotor Zokuqhuma Kothuli

Amamotho evikela ukuqhuma kwegesi awafanele izindawo ezidinga amamotho angaqhumisi uthuli. Lokhu kungenxa yezindinganiso kazwelonke ezihlukene zokuvikela ugesi abanamathela kuzo: amamotho angaqhumeki igesi ahambisana ne-GB3836, kuyilapho izinjini ezivikela uthuli zilandela i-GB12476.

injini yokuvikela ukuqhuma
Motors that meet both these standards and pass tests for each can be referred to as dual-marked explosion-proof motors. These motors are versatile, allowing interchangeability in environments requiring either gas or dust explosion-proof standards.



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