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Imininingwane Yezobuchwepheshe

Iyiphi Enezinga Eliphakeme Lokufakazela Ukuqhuma, I-BT4 noma i-CT4

Isigaba sokuvikela ukuqhuma kwemishini ye-CT4 sidlula leso sisetshenziswa se-BT4.

Ikilasi NezingaIgnition Temperature And Group
-T = 450450≥T>300300≥T>200200≥T>135135≥T>100100≥T>85
IIAEthane, I-Propane, I-acetone, I-Phenethyl, Ene, I-aminobenzene, I-Toluene, Benzeni, I-Amoniya, I-Carbon monoxide, I-Ethyl Acetate, I-Acetic AcidButane, I-Ethanol, Ipropylene, I-Butanol, I-Acetic Acid, Butyl Ester, I-Amyl Acetate Acetic AnhydrideI-Pentane, I-Hexane, I-Heptane, I-Decane, I-Octane, Uphethiloli, I-Hydrogen sulfide, I-Cyclohexane, Uphethiloli, Uphalafini, Udizili, UwoyelaI-Ether, I-acetaldehyde, I-TrimethylamineI-Ethyl Nitrite
IIBIpropylene, I-acetylene, I-Cyclopropane, I-Coke Oven GasI-Epoxy Z-Alkane, I-Epoxy Propane, I-Butadiene, I-EthyleneI-Dimethyl Ether, I-isoprene, I-Hydrogen sulfideI-Diethylether, I-Dibutyl Ether
I-IICIgesi Yamanzi, I-hydrogenI-acetyleneI-Carbon DisulfideI-Ethyl Nitrate

I-BT4 ihlukaniswa njengeqembu lezinga lokushisa Lesigaba B, lapho izinga lokushisa eliphezulu eliphezulu lamadivayisi anesilinganiso se-T4 lingeqi ku-135°C. I-CT4 inesilinganiso sokuvikela ukuqhuma se-Class C, kuqhathaniswa ne-BT4, and is suitable for environments with hazardous gases such as hydrogen and acetylene, maintaining a maximum surface temperature of 135°C.

Scope of Use

BT4 is suitable for common gases including methane, ethane, uwoyela, futhi i-hydrogen i-sulfide.

CT4 encompasses a broader range of less common eziqhumayo amagesi, such as hydrogen and water gas at the CT1 level, acetylene at the CT2 level, and carbon disulfide at the CT4 level.



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